CASTRA is the leading Bulgarian non-government structure supporting the development of the Bulgarian space sector, including the establishment of the related national policies and strategies. CASTRA experts are involved in different public and private expert groups related to space at national and EU levels.
As a strong independent professional organization CASTRA actively supports Bulgarian government towards the development of a sustainable environment for industrial, R&D, educational and public outreach activities in Bulgaria related to space.
The successful integration and membership of Bulgaria in the EU implies active participation in the definition of the EU space policy and in the work of the EU executive bodies related to space exploration and related tasks at both EU and national levels.
Main national and international acts related to the development of the Bulgarian national space sector and related activities
- Bulgaria – European Space Agency (ESA) Cooperating Agreement (2015-) : Participation of Bulgaria in the ESA-driven space programs according the Bulgarian industry development policies ( such as RIS3)
- Bulgarian Regional Innovation Strategy for Smart Specialisation (RIS3) (2014-2020) : National priorities for innovation and SME development, including space sector related
- Bulgaria – European Union Partnership Agreement (2014-2020) : Participation of Bulgaria in the Development of the European Space Policy, the European Space Strategy and the European Space Programs – COPERNICUS and GALILEO (and SST/SSA in the near future), and space related activities in the Horizon 2020 program for R&D. Since 2017, also including defense-related space sector activities aimed towards the definition and implementation of EU’s common defence policy
- Bulgarian National Development Plan (2014-2020) : Framework for national activities related to science, education and industry development
- Bulgarian membership to NATO (2004-) : NATO related space sector R&D and study groups
- Bulgaria membership with the United Nations : UN-COPUOS related activities of Bulgaria
European Union acts related to space
- European Space Strategy – COM(2016) 26/10/2016
- Regulation (EU) 377/2014 of the European Parliament and of the Council on establishing the COPERNICUS program and repealing the Regulation (EU) 911/2010;
- Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council on implementation ans exploitation of the European satellite navigation systems GALILEO
- Regulation (EU) 1285/2013 of the European Parliament and of the Council on amending Regulation (EU) 912/2010 setting up the European GNSS Agency
- Decision of the EP on establishing the Space Surveillance and Tracking Program
- EC Communication on the European Space Policy COM212 (2007)
- European Council Resolution on the European Space policy 26/9/2008
- European Parliament Resolution on the European Space policy 11/2008
Find bellow some CASTRA publications in support to the development of a Bulgarian space policy and strategy (not existing yet).
Institutional Bulgarian Space players and space background [2014]
Benefits to Bulgaria from joining the European Space Agency [2012]