
Our Conferences & Events

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CASTRA’s EVENT ORGANIZER and REGISTRATIONS site offers detailed information on the major CONFERENCES and MEETINGS organized by us. Browse the  list  and/or join the current event, or find information on a meeting in the past. ENJOY !

Brief announcements of some of our events :

01 June – 04 June

Фирма „Синерджи симюлейшън енд трейнинг“ ЕООД ще участва в Международното изложение за отбранителни продукти и услуги „ХЕМУС 2022”, което ще се проведе в гр. Пловдив в периода 01 – 04 юни 2022 г. Посетите техния щанд G-3 в Палата 7, където с партньорите им от BOHEMIA Interactive Simulations и MASA Group ще представят най-модерните технологии за стратегически и тактически симулации, обучения и оперативни анализи, базирани на изкуствен интелект. Също така, с техните партньорите от Kärcher Futuretech GmbH, ще ви запознаят с водещи решения за водоснабдителни системи, мобилни системи за хранене, системи за полеви лагери и системи за ЯХБЗ.

May 31- June 03

CASTRA is happy to invite you to the 9th International Workshop on Analogue and Mixed-Signal Integrated Circuits for Space Applications. CASTRA‘s active member NOVOREL is among the sposors to this grounbreaking event. It will be held on 31 May – 3 June 2022 in Madrid, Spain.

AMICSA provides an international forum for the presentation and discussion of recent advances in analogue and mixed-signal VLSI design techniques and technologies for space applications.Radiation Effects on analogue and mixed-signal ICsMethodologies for Radiation Hardening on analogue circuits at cell-, circuit-, and system design levelRadiation-hardened technologies for analogue ICsRadiation tests of analogue and mixed-signal ICsQualifying and quantifying radiation-hardness of analogue circuitsSpace Applications for analogue and mixed-Signal ICsAnalogue intellectual property and re-usability of analogue circuits in spaceNeeds and Requirements for analogue and mixed-signal ICs in future space missionsIn-orbit Experiences and flight heritage of analogue and mixed-signal ICs

Starts at
Círculo de Bellas Artes of Madrid
42, Alcala Street 28014 Madrid

Go to map

Chairpersons:  Boris Glass, Daniel Gonzalez

For registration: https://indico.esa.int/event/388/registrations/229/

2022 May 19

We are happy to announce the upcomming SPACE event, organized by Ratio on 19th of May, at 19:00 o’clock, realized in partnership with CASTRA and Bulgarian Ministry of Innovation and Growth. The event will be hosted at The Venue, Incubator building, Sofia Tech Park.

Our CEO Vesselin Vassilev will be part of the key speakers and he will exchange ideas with other professionals on the topic of aerospace industry start-ups, clusters and institutions. Other key speakers on the event are Rada Popova (space legalization expert at Isar Aerospace), Zdravko Dimitrov (co-founder of SAT-1 & founder of Sfera Technologies) as well as deputy Minister Karina Angelieva. Please check below for the agenda.

In order to attend, kinldy note that you are required to register at: https://form.typeform.com/to/K3501kSN. The entrance is FREE of charge.

Facebook event page: https://www.facebook.com/events/729321421814179?ref=newsfeed
2020 December 17 

Сдружение „Клъстер Аерокосмически технологии, изследвания и приложения“ организира на 17.12.2020г. от 11:00ч. въвеждащо информационно събитие за представяне на проект BG16RFOP002-1.016-0016-C01 „Иновационна инфраструктура за развойна дейност в аерокосмическата индустрия“ по ОП „Иновации и конкурентоспособност“ 2014-2020, приоритетна ос „Технологично развитие и иновации”, процедура BG16RFOP002-1.01.6.

Информационното събитие цели да представи проектните дейности и очакваните резултати от изпълнението на проекта.

Предвид въведените противоепидемични мерки на територията на Република България, събитието ще се проведе онлайн през платформата Zoom. Линк към събитието ще бъде изпратен допълнително.

Проектът се осъществява с финансовата подкрепа на ОП „Иновации и конкурентоспособност“ 2014-2020, съфинансирана от Европейския съюз чрез Европейски фонд за регионално развитие и от националния бюджет на Република България.

Програмата на събитието може да се види тук

За допълнителна информация:
Радостина Чаушева, Специалист НИРД, Тел: 0888 54 63 64,
Email: Radostina.chausheva@castra.org

2019 October 16-17  SAVE THE DATE

Geneva Canton, CENSEC, CASTRA, THALES, SAFE cluster and Avignon Airport partner in the organisation of the 3rd counter-drone solutions seminar and workshop, to be held 16-17 October 2019 at the Avignon Airport, France. PLAN TO ATTEND and network with lead professionals in the field, held  B2B meetings and joint R&D  projects discussions, including upcoming H2020 and EDIDP project opportunities. (Do not forget as well the 2024 Olympic summer games to be held in Paris, which are to require specific solutions in the drone and counter drone systems field). Contact CASTRA for further details.


2019 May 9

Roundtable discussion  on space RDI and policies in Sofia with prof. Carole Mundel, UK, Chief Scientific Adviser (CSA) at the Foreign and Commonwealth Office, UK


2018 November

CASTRA invited prof. Igor Belokonov of Samara University for a series of lectures and seminars in Bulgaria related to the topic of small satellites design and space engineering.

2018 February 20
EU Industry Week, Sofia: High Time for Hi-Tech

EU Industry Week_outline

2017 July 10

Draft Programme - National Military Conference - 10 Jul 2017-04-07-17-Bg

2016 October


2015 September