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(English) Space News
- Ursa Major eyes ‘Iron Dome’ applications for its mid-size rocket engine by Sandra Erwin on 17.02.2025 at 20:00
- SpaceX invited to provide input on FAA air traffic control modernizationby Jeff Foust on 17.02.2025 at 18:15
- AAC starts work on maritime domain awareness constellationby Debra Werner on 17.02.2025 at 17:02
- Public offerings take the stage as the space industry learns from the SPAC boom and bustby Jason Rainbow on 17.02.2025 at 14:30
- Trump’s Iron Dome order needs constructive debate to reach its full potentialby Brian G. Chow on 17.02.2025 at 14:00
- EU Sets Ambitious Goals for In-Space Operations and Servicesby the European Commission on 17.02.2025 at 12:26
- В Русия ще въведад в експлоатация нискоорбитална групировка спътници през 2027on 17.02.2025 at 1:45
- От ЕКА са разрешили на първи астронавт с инвалидност да полети на МКС.on 17.02.2025 at 1:35
- Точната орбита на астероида 2024 YR4 няма да е известна до 2028on 17.02.2025 at 1:30
- ESA astronaut with physical disability medically cleared for ISS missionsby Jeff Foust on 16.02.2025 at 22:50
- Ravyn aims to disrupt missile sectorby Debra Werner on 16.02.2025 at 14:00
- Blue Ghost 1 enters lunar orbit as Resilience flies by the moonby Jeff Foust on 15.02.2025 at 14:18
- U.S. Space Force awards Firefly $21.8 million contract for rapid-response launch missionby Sandra Erwin on 15.02.2025 at 11:16
- Eutelsat adapts GEO strategy as Starlink reshapes satellite connectivityby Jason Rainbow on 14.02.2025 at 23:37
- China invites bids for lunar satellite to support crewed moon landing missionsby Andrew Jones on 14.02.2025 at 17:30
- Improving spaceport infrastructure could ease strain at Cape Canaveral and Vandenbergby Jeff Foust on 14.02.2025 at 14:30
- ESA Business Incubation Centres celebrate two decades of innovationon 14.02.2025 at 14:28
- Week in images: 10-14 February 2025on 14.02.2025 at 14:10
- The power dilemma: Energy access could make or break the space economy this year by Kevin Hell on 14.02.2025 at 14:00
- Congress seeks NASA authorization, commercial space billsby Jeff Foust on 14.02.2025 at 12:06
- Fly! Project media briefingon 14.02.2025 at 10:00
- Earth from Space: Heart of Mount St Helenson 14.02.2025 at 9:00
- Pierogi in spaceon 14.02.2025 at 8:00
- Lynk Global fundraise passes $85 million as direct-to-smartphone satellite race heats upby Jason Rainbow on 13.02.2025 at 23:43
- House Science Committee asks GAO to review FAA commercial launch licensing processby Jeff Foust on 13.02.2025 at 22:07
- BlackSky to support India’s first private Earth observation constellationby Sandra Erwin on 13.02.2025 at 21:55
- K2 Space raises $110 million to scale up satellite productionby Sandra Erwin on 13.02.2025 at 19:33
- Blue Origin to lay off 10% of its workforceby Jeff Foust on 13.02.2025 at 17:42
- China’s answer to SpaceXby SpaceNews Editor on 13.02.2025 at 14:34
- Trump’s interest in Greenland highlights space race in the high Northby Sandra Erwin on 13.02.2025 at 14:30
- York Space expands into satellite services for U.S. governmentby Sandra Erwin on 13.02.2025 at 14:05
- Sentinel-1C demonstrates power to map land deformationon 13.02.2025 at 14:00
- Increasing the efficiency of the U.S. national security space programby Marc J. Berkowitz on 13.02.2025 at 14:00
- ESA's HydRON project for space-based optical communications moves forwardon 13.02.2025 at 13:52
- Телескопът 'Джеймс Уебб' ще помогне да се уточнят размерите на опасния астероид 2024 YR4on 10.02.2025 at 7:34
- Week in images: 03-07 February 2025on 07.02.2025 at 14:10
- НАСА предостави 24милиона долара на 9 компании за подръжка на мисията Артемисon 07.02.2025 at 10:16
- В екипажите на 'Съюз МС-28' и 'Съюз МС-29' са включени по един астронавтon 07.02.2025 at 1:30
- Five reasons to join the European Space Agency!on 09.10.2024 at 8:31