
(Amended  under  General Assembly decisions from 28 October  2011 and  13 February 2014)

Chapter One

Art. 1. This statute regulates the development, organization and activities of the  non-for profit entity named  “CLUSTER Aerospace technology, research and applications.”

Art. 2. (1) The non-profit organization is named: “CLUSTER Aerospace technology, research and applications “and is referred to below as “CASTRA”. The name of the association can be written in Latin as “Cluster Aerospace Technologies, Research and Applications”, abbreviated as “CASTRA”. CASTRA  is established under the the terms and conditions of the Law for  Legal bodies  for non-profit purpose.
(2) The symbols of CASTRA  are defined  by the Board and adopted by the General Assembly.
(3) CASTRA  operates in cooperation with similar Bulgarian and foreign organizations, with Bulgarian state bodies and institutions, bodies of local government and local administration, as well as with representatives of other  business and NGO organisations.

Art. 3. (amend. GA decision dated 13.2.2014) CASTRA headquarters are in Sofia. The registered office shall be determined by the General Assembly of the Association with a separate decision.

Art 4. CASTRA is set to operate for an unlimited time.

Art 5. CASTRA is set to operate in  public interests, and it spends its possesions in support of  the follwoing :
1. Development of science, education, engineering and technology
2. Development and strengthening of the spiritual and cultural values ​of the society;
3.Support the personal and professional integration and development of human resources with interests in the field of the activities of  CASTRA.
4. Promote and ensure the free exchange of information and ideas among organizations with similar activities;
5. Search and provide  additional financial and material resources to achieve its goals;
6. Support the establishment and maintenance of necessary equipment and infrastructure needed to achieve the objectives of the association and the ones of the  beneficiaries of its business;
7.Support the development and implementation of educational programs;
8.Promote cooperation between the municipalities, the business and non-profit organizations to maintain a sustainable development;
9.Merge human and financial resources to implement the identified common objectives  and priorities of community, witinh the  scope of interest and  activities of CASTRA;

Chapter Two

Art. 6. CASTRA is voluntary, politically uninvolved, self-organizing association based on mutual trust between its members.

Art. 7. CASTRA is  established with the following objectives:
1. to promote the development of research, innovation and technology in the field of aerospace  technology and research and their applications in industry and the other spheres of public and private activity;
2. to support the development of an appropriate environment for learning, professional  training and development of personnel, joint training centers and development of advanced curricula for training in the topic of ‘AeroSpace Technology, Research and Applications” and related disciplines;
3. to establish a platform for exchange of information, coordination of community initiatives that contribute to the development of the sector “AeroSpace Technology, Research and Applications”, and improve its competitiveness;
4. establish a national technology platform in the field of  “AeroSpace Technology, Research and Applications”
5. stimulate an increased public interest and positive attitude towards the activities in the field of aerospace technology research and applications and the activities of the organizations – members of CASTRA.

Art. 8. CASTRA is to apply  the follwoing  means to achieve its goals:

1. Develop, establish and support the implementation of modern policies, strategies, priorities, measures and instruments for regional and national economic and social development in the field of aerospace technology research and related  application
2. Research, development and maintenance of databases related to the economic and resource potential of the country in the field of aero-space technology research and applications;
3. Development, coordination, implementation of national framework positions, priorities and measures within  national research programs, operational programs (of EU) and other national and community instruments, development, coordination and participation in projects and programs for regional economic and social development financed by national, European and international programs;
4. Development of measures, coordination and assistance to the national coordinating bodies in the interest of the Bulgarian scientific, business and non-governmental organizations in European and international programs and initiatives (such as the EU Framework Programmes and others.);
5. Realization of projects and programs supporting the Eurointegration and European cooperation;
6.Organizirane seminars, round table discussions, training centers, training and educational programs to raise the awareness and training of personnel in the sector “Aero-Space Technology, Research and Applications”;
7. Motivate  the participation of all members of CASTRA to attract investments;
8. Participate in consortia with similar national and international organizations for the implementation of the planned activities; building up of a national platform to protect the interests of the various stakeholders;
9. Organization and participation in regional, national and international forums;
10. Cooperation and joint activities  in the field of logistics, production, marketing and sale of CASTRA  products and those of its members;
11. Interaction with the state administration and  bodies, including all other interested organizations  towards the development and implementation of a national space program,  and ensure the effective and full membership of Bulgaria in the European Space Agency
12. Membership in the European and international technology platforms in the areas of technology, innovation and space research and applications.

Art. 9. (1) CASTRA can perform additional business activities within the meaning of Art. 3 of the  Law for non-for-profit organisations. The object of CASTRA business is: consultancy services related to the development of business plans, projects and programs; conducting market research and analysis, mediation for cooperation at regional, national and international scales, counseling and services in the matter of import and export, management of business entities; Information services – providing information on funding programs for science and industry, R&D, etc; organizing and conducting conferences, exhibitions, training, technical services, translation of documents, publishing, development and sale of software and hardware, analysis and tests, and any other non-prohibited by law activity, related to the main activity of  CASTRA.
(2) The conducted business activities are  subject to the terms and conditions set out in the Commercial Code and other applicable legislations.
(3) The income of the business will be used to achieve the objectives of CASTRA.
(4) In cases where this is not governed by an additional agreement between CASTRA and its respective member, each member of CASTRA maintains its own business untied with that of CASTRA defined under paragraph (1) above, or that of other members of the Association.

Chapter Three

Art. 10. (amend. GA decision dated 13/2/2014) (1) CASTRA  membership is voluntary. There  are two categories of membership – full and associate.
(2) Full members may be merchants, academic and R&D organizations and their subdivisions, technology centers and science associations, non-governmental organizations, employers, municipalities and regional administrations and other legal bodies whose activities or interests are related to the sector “AeroSpace technology, research and applications” and accept the objectives and guidelines for the operation of CASTRA.
Associate members may be same as the above  mentioned legal entities but also individuals-physical persons.
The full members and the associate members are referred to collectively as “members” – as further on in this Statute, unless otherwise specified.
(3) The relationship between CASTRA and its members shall be governed by this statute, the internal regulations of CASTRA and the law.
(4) The full members participate in the work of CASTRA through their legal representatives or other authorized persons. The authorization shall be made in writing.
(5) For their membership, the full members CASTRA due membership fees determined according a decision of the General Assembly of CASTRA, in accordance with the provisions of this Statute. The manner of payment of the membership fee is determined by the General Assembly.
(6) Associate Members CASTRA due membership fee determined by the Steering Committee of the Association. The manner of payment of the membership fee is determined by the Steering Committee (MB).
(7) The members of CASTRA which are state schools and public research organizations designated by law (schools, universities, research institutes of BAS and others alike) are exempt from payment of dues and other contributions defined under paragraph (8) bellow due to the nature of their activities and organizational structure. These members support the work of CASTRA by providing for the use of the Association of their own tangible, intangible and human resources and other non-financial resources for the needs of the activities of CASTRA, which is governed by additional bilateral agreements between those members and the Association.
(8) Additional material and monetary contributions of full members may be made upn a separated decission of the General Assembly of CASTRA.
(9) Additional material and monetary contributions may be made by any full or associate member of CASTRA based on his good will  through his individual decision.
(10) The membership within CASTRA of a legal entity can be converted from “full” to “associate”, and back based on a voluntary statement of the member to the relevant CASTRA authority empowered to accept full or associate members,  and after the decision of this authority under the rules of Article 14.
(11) The legal bodies  who became members of CASTRA before February 13, 2014, except those for which there are current provisions of article 15, paragraph 1, automatically receive the status of  ‘full member’.

Art. 11. (amend. GA decision dated 13/2/2014) (1) Each member of CASTRA, through its  representative,  has the following rights:
1. participate in the activities of CASTRA and be a mem ber of the General Assembly;
2. To be elected in CASTRA government bodies;
3. be informed about the activities of CASTRA;
4. to have access to the assets  and  the properties of CASTRA and to the results of its operations.
(2) Each associate member of CASTRA – in person  or through its representative,  has the right to be informed and participate in the activities of CASTRA ;

Art. 12. (amend. GA decision dated 13/2/2014) Members of CASTRA must:
1. comply with the Statute of CASTRA and work to achieve its objectives;
2. work to increase the assets of CASTRA and raise  its social authority;
3. pay an annual membership fee in the amount, the manner and within the period specified under Article 10.

Art. 13. The rights and obligations are not transferable and do not pass on to others upon termination of membership. The exercise of membership rights can not be granted to another body.

Art. 14. (amend. GA decision dated 13/2/2014) (1) Full members of CASTRA are adopted by the General Assembly. Applicants submit a written application to the Board, which shall consider and rule on the application within one month and submit an application for consideration at the next General Assembly. The adoption of full members happens by an open vote and a majority of 2/3 of the members present.
(2) Associate Members shall be adopted by the Board. Applicants submit a written application to the Board, which shall consider and rule on the application within one month. Adoption of associate members happens by an open vote and a majority of 2/3 of those present.

(3) CASTRA keeps a book or electronic record of its members, where it contains the name, the registered office and the legal body  identification code;  or the full name, permanent address and ID number for the individuals-associate members. The exact format  and procedure for keeping the electronic register shall be determined by the Steering Committee.

Art. 15. (amend. GA decision dated 13/2/2014) (1) Membership shall be terminated:
1. by a written statement to the Board of CASTRA;
2. by exclusion of the member by the General Assembly based upon a proposal made by the Steering Committee – for the full members, or by a decision of the Steering Committee – for the associate members
3. termination of the legal entity – member of CASTRA or death of the individual –  associate member of CASTRA ;.
4. dropping off  on specific circumstances.
(2) In instance of  #1 and #3 of the preceding paragraph, the membership  shall automatically terminate  with the occurrence of the following  events to be established by the Board
(3) A member of CASTRA can  be excluded solely and exclusively upon (a) failure to fulfill  important provisions of the Statute of CASTRA and decisions of the General Assembly; and (b),  upon having committed acts that are clearly incompatible with the objectives of CASTRA. The membership exclusion decision is taken by the General Assembly based upon a  proposal of the Steering Committee – for the full members, or is taken by the Steering Committee – for the associate members.  In case of having registed a failure as of (a) above, , the  Steering Committee is obliged to inform the given member for the occurance of such a failulre, and give him an appropriate  time to correct.
(4) Ground  for dropping  membership to CASTRA is  a regular and systematic  non-participation in the work within the General Assembly and the other bodies, in which the member of CASTRA is selected, or a delay of the payment of membership fees by more than 3 months. Regular and systematic non-participation is considered failure to attend  of at least three consecutive meetings of the correspnding  CASTRA body, confirmed by the records of the meetings. Registering the grounds for terminating a full membership is made by the Board, which proposes to the General Assembly to decide on the membership termination.  Registering of grounds for ceasing of an associate membership is made by the Steering Committee who then takes a decision  for ceasing the membership of the respective associate member.

Chapter Four

Art. 16. The management bodies of CASTRA are:
1. The supreme body of CASTRA is the General Assembly (GA);
2. The Managing Authority of CASTRA is the  Steering Committee (SC).

Art. 17. (amend. GA decision dated 13/2/2014) The General Assembly is the supreme governing body of CASTRA. It includes all full members of CASTRA.

Art. 18. The General Assembly:
1. Amends the Statute of CASTRA;
2. Adopts other internal regulations;
3. Decides on the transformation and termination of CASTRA;
4. (amend. GA decision dated 13/2/2014) Accepts and excludes full members;
5. Determines the number of members, elects and dismisses the members of the SC; elects Chairman and Co-Chairman of the SC  and CEO of the Association;
6. Appoints and dismisses registered auditors for the independent financial audit of the Association in the cases provided by law;
7. Approves the annual financial statements and operations of the SC;
8. Appoints liquidators upon termination of CASTRA, except in the case of bankruptcy;
9. Approves SC decisions on opening and closing of branches;
10. Approves SC decisions for participation in other organizations;
11. Accepts guidelines and program activities of CASTRA; defines tasks and programs for implementation by the Steering Committee and deadlines for their implementation;
12. Approves  the budget of CASTRA;
13.Decides on the transformation or termination of the Association;
14. Cancels SC  decisions which  contravene the law, the Statute or other internal acts regulating the activities of the association;
15. (amend. GA decision dated 13/2/2014) Decides on the amount of dues of full members;
16. Upon termination of CASTRA decides how to spend the remaining assets after the satisfaction of creditors;
17. Takes other decisions provided for in the Statute,  or in the interest of the Association.
18. (new, GA  decision dated 13/2/2014) The General Assembly decisions concerning disposal of financial and non-financial assets and resources, including these under Article 10 paragraph 8,  shall be taken only by a vote of these full members of CASTRA,  who owe or have paid willingly dues and have made financial or other contributions under Article 10. In this case, the members of the general assembly shall be reduced by these  members who benefited from their rights under Article 10, paragraph 7.

Art. 19.
(1) Regular General Assembly meeting shall be held at least once a year.
(2) Extraordinary General Assembly Meeting may be convened at any time by the Board.

Art. 20.
(1) (amend. GA decision dated 13/2/2014) The General Assembly shall be convened by the SC or at the request of one third of the full members of CASTRA, and  made in writing or in electronic form (under the Law on Electronic Document and Electronic signature). Such a request shall be deemed made, if received by the Chairman or Co-Chairman of the SC or the CEO of the Association.
(2) (amend. GA decision dated 13/2/2014) If within two weeks of the request to convene the General Assembly, a representative of the  SC does not extend an invitation in writing to call a General Assembly meeting, the latter shall be convened by the district court of the region of the registered address of CASTRA upon a written request by the interested in having a General Assembly meeting  full members,  or by a legally authorised by them  person.
(3) (amend. GA decision dated 13/2/2014) The meeting shall be convened by a notice to each full member of the CASTRA,  sent by registered mail, fax or email no later than 10 days before the meetimg date.
(4) Such a note shall contain the agenda of issues for discussion, the date, time and place of the General Assembly and the authority  on whose initiative it is convened.

Art. 21. (amend. GA decision dated 13/2/2014) All documents  related to the agenda of the General Meeting shall be made available to the full members at the headquarters of CASTRA or sent by fax or e-mail no later than 7 days before the General Assembly. Upon request, a copy of the documents  may be presented to each full member  free of charge.

Art. 22. (1) At the meeting of the General Assembly a list is made  of  the full members present,  or of their legal representatives. The members and representatives certify their presence by signing th elist and showing an identitification. The list shall be authenticated by the Chairman and the Secretary of the General Assembly.
(2) The list in the preceding paragraph shall include members who have indicated their presence until the first vote, and after determining the existence of  a quorum.
(3) (amend. GA decision dated 13/2/2014) If a member of CASTRA can not attend the General Assembly, he may authorize another member or a third party to represent him. Such an authorization  happens by a  written proxy.

Article 23. (amend. GA decision dated 13/2/2014). The sessions of the General Assembly are valid if there are present or are legally represented more than half of the number of full members of CASTRA. In the absence of a quorum, the beginning of the meeting shall be adjourned for one hour, and the meeting shall be held at the same place and with the same agenda and it is considered legitimate,  regardless of how many members are present.

Art. 24. (amend. GA decision dated 13.2 / 2014) Each full member has one vote in the General Assembly.

Art. 25. (amend. GA decision dated 13/2/2014) A member of the General Assembly has no voting rights  on matters related  to: 1)  her, his spouse,  or  first order  relatives without limitation, collateral line – up to fourth degree , or by a marriage – to second degree; 2.) legal  bodies  represented by him,  or in which he/she may impose or block taking decisions.

Art. 26. (1) The decisions of the General Assembly are considered valid when taken with  a majority of more than half  votes of those present.
(2) Decisions on art. 18 pt. 1, pt. 3, 4 and 15 require 2/3 majority votes of those present.
Art. 27. (1) (amend. GA decision dated 13/2/2014) The General Assembly can not  adopt decisions on matters that were not included in the invitation, unless all members are present or represented at the meeting and no one has objection raised against the issues to be discussed.
(2) The General Assembly decisions shall take effect immediately, unless their effect is delayed or if , according the  law , they enter into force only  after their  entry and / or publication in the Official Gazette.
Art. 28. (1) А special book of records is kept for the General Assembly Meetings. The minutes are kept as required by law.
(2) (amend. GA decision dated 13/2/2014) The minutes of the General Assembly Meeting shall be signed by the GA meeting Chair and Secretary.  Part of the minutes is the list of attendees, proxies for any authorized representative of a member of CASTRA when he/she is not present, and documents related to the convening of the General Assembly
(3) Each member present at the General Meeting has the right to request and verify the proper recording of the  decisions in the minutes.

Art. 29. (1) CASTRA is managed by a Steering Committee.
(2) (amend. GA decision dated 13/2/2014) The SC members are elected by the General Assembly for a period of 2 / two / years. The SC members can be changed at any time.
(3) (amend. GA decision dated 13/2/2014) The Steering Committee shall consist of at least three (3) individuals – representatives of full members of the association,  and it has a structure  determined by the General Assembly. SC members are necesarily representatives of full members of CASTRA. A legal body, which is  member of CASTRA, can nominate SC  members who are not members of the association.
(4) SC  members may be reappointed without restrictions.

Art. 30. (1) The members of the SC have equal rights and obligations regardless of the internal distribution of functions between them.
(2) SC members are obliged to perform their duties in the interest of CASTRA and keep confidential the information related to the activities of CASTRA to which they had access, even  after the expiration of their term.
(3) The SC shall hold regular meetings at least once every three months.
(4) (amend. GA decision dated 13/2/2014) The General Assembly elects by a simple majority the Chairman and Co-Chairman of the SC and CEO of CASTRA for a period of two years. The Chairman and the Co-Chairman of the SC,  and the CEO of the Association can be changed at any time.
(5) Each member of the SC may request the Chairman and the Co-Chairman of the SC to convene a meeting.
Art. 31. The Steering Committee:
1. Provides management and protection of the property and assets  of CASTRA;
2. Determines the organisational structure, the procedures for reqruitment and layoff  of personnel, the salaries and other internal rules of  CASTRA;
3. Decides on distributing the  assets  of the association in compliance with the statute, takes decisions on  acquisition, alienation and encumbrance of real estate and the establishment of property rights, as well as renting;
4. Determines the rules and organizes the activities of CASTRA,  and it is responsible for their execution
5. Prepares  and submits to the General Assembly the yearly  report on the activities of CASTRA;
6. Prepares and submits to the General Assembly the  draft budget;
7. Ensures the implementation of the decisions of the General Assembly;
8. Takes decisions on  creating additional bodies of CASTRA such as Expert council /EC / working groups on various issues, etc. , which assist the SC  or its members in the daily work;
9. (amend. GA decision dated 13/2/2014) Accepts and excludes associated members;
10. (new, GA decision dated 13/2/2014) Decides on the amount of the contributions of associated members;
11. (new, GA decision dated 13/2/2014) Discusses and decides on all other matters that are within its jurisdiction by law or by this Statute, with the exception of matters which are under the exclusive competence of the General Assembly
12. (new GA decision dated 13/2/2014) The decisions of the SC of CASTRA concerning disposal of financial and non-financial assets and funds shall be taken only by the votes of the members of the SC, who are representatives of full members of CASTRA that are due or have paid willingly dues and have made financial contributions under Article 10. In this case, the list of members of the SC shall be reduced by these members represented in the SC of CASTRA, who had exercised  their rights under Article 10, paragraph 7.

Art. 32. (1) (amend. GA decision dated 13/2/2014) The meetings of the Steering Committee shall be convened and chaired by the Chairman or Co-Chair of the SC,  or the CEO of the Association. A meeting of the SC may be convened also by an authorized representative of at least one third of the full members of the Association. The Chairman or Co-Chairman of the SC,  or the CEO of the Association,  are obliged to convene a meeting of the SC at a request in writing within three days, otherwise it may be convened by any member of the SC. The convening of the SC happens  by a written notice, delivered in person or sent to each member of the SC by a courier, mail, fax or email.
(2) SC meeting decisions can be taken if there are present more than half of the members of the SC.
(3) (amend. GA decision dated 13/2/2014)  SC meeting decisions can be taken by a simple majority of the present members of the SC, except in cases provided for in Art. 31, item 3 of the Statute, in which cases the decisions are taken by a majority of all members. A SC member is consider present also in a condition in which a bilateral telephone or other connection is being established with him, ensuring  proper  identification,  and allowing her/his  participation in the discussions and the decision making. The vote of this SC member  shall be certified in the minutes by the chairman of the meeting
(4) The SC can  take a decision without holding a meeting if  the minutes describing this particular decision  is signed without remarks and objections by all SC  members.

Art. 33. The Steering Committee shall periodically adopt the Accountancy Act reporting information about CASTRA activities, following the principles of openness, reliability and timeliness.
Art. 34. (1) The members of the SC are jointly responsible for their actions, which possibly harm the interests of CASTRA.
(2) Each member of the SC  may be relieved of liability if it is determined that she/he has no guilt  for the damage.

Art. 35 General functions of the Chairman and Co-Chairman  of the SC  and the CEO of the Association:
(1) Chairman of the SC:
1. Provides coordination between the different  CASTRA  bodies;
2. Chairs the meetings of the SC;
3. Represents CASTRA activities to its business partners  in the country and abroad;
4. Performs other duties provided for in the Statute or appointed by the General Assembly.
(2) Co-Chairman  of the  SC:
1. Replaces and/or assists the Chairman in his activities as provided under the terms of this Statute Charter;

2. Represents the activities of the Association related to its interaction with academic institutions and organizations in the country and abroad;
3. Performs other duties provided for in the Statute or determined by the General Assembly;

(3) The CEO  of CASTRA:
1. Coordinates and oversees the implementation of the decisions taken by the SC  an /or the General Assembly of the Association;
2. Manages the daily work and reports to the SC and the General Assembly on  the activities of the Association aimed at meeting the objectives enshrined in the Statute, including  the actions taken for their implementation.
3. Performs other duties provided for in the Statute or determined by the General Assembly and / or the SC of the Association.
4. Provides the SC monthly reports on the activities of the association.

Chapter Five

Art. 36. CASTRA is legally represented by the CEO.

Chapter Six

Art. 37. (1) CASTRA may acquire property for the attainment of its objectives.
(2) CASTRA is responsible for its obligations to the extent of its assets.
(3) The members of CASTRA are not responsible for its obligations beyond the amount of their unpaid membership fees.
Art. 38. (1) The members of CASTRA can confer real estate  for rent.
(2) CASTRA can receive donations from individuals and legal entities and to sign sponsorship contracts.
Chapter Seven

Art. 39. Every year until the end of February, the Steering Committee prepares annual financial statements and activity report for the previous calendar year and submits them to the General Assembly.
Art. 40. The activity report describes the progress of activities and state of CASTRA and explains the annual financial statements.

Art. 41. (1) Where the law requires a mandatory independent audit, Statutory Auditors shall be determined by the General Assembly.
(2) When the General Assembly Meeting has not appointed a registered auditor until the end of the financial year, the registered auditor shall be appointed by the SC.
(3) The annual financial statements, the annual activity report and the report of the auditor shall be adopted by the Steering Committee and then submitted for debate at  the General Assembly.
Art. 42. In accordance with the Accounting Act, CASTRA shall prepare accounting information in compliance with the principles of transparency, reliability and timeliness.
Art. 43. CASTRA does not distribute profit.
Art. 44. (amend. GA decision dated 13/2/2014) In case of losses, the General Assembly may decide to cover them with additional cash and / or property contributions made by the  full members of CASTRA. The decision to pay additional cash and / or property contributions shall be taken with the consent of all full  members of CASTRA.

Art. 45. (amend. GA decision dated 13/2/2014) Minutes from the meetings of the General Assembly and the Steering Committee  shall be kept, which duly reflects the discussions, proposals and statements and decisions held. The minutes shall be certified by the signatures of the Chairman of the body concerned and the record-keeper,  and are bound in special books. Books are kept by the chairman of the corresponding body. The full members of CASTRA and  the SC  members can be acquainted with the contents of the books and receive copies or extracts of the minutes.

Chapter Eight

Art. 46. ​​CASTRA shall  be terminated:
1. By a decision of the General Assembly;
2. In its bankruptcy;
3. By a decision of the district court of CASTRA in designated by the Law  for  non-for-profit-entities.
Art. 47. (1) Upon termination of CASTRA, liquidation is carried out, except in cases of conversion of CASTRA.
(2) The liquidation is carried out by the SC of CASTRA. It carried out the  stipulated in the Commercial Code actions for execution the liquidation of CASTRA, cashing its property and for satisfaction of  the creditors of CASTRA.
(3) The remaining assets after satisfaction of the creditors shall be distributed among the members of CASTRA in proportion to their respective paid membership  and other   contributions they made.
(4) By a decision of the General Assembly taken by a majority of 2/3 of the members of CASTRA, the  remaining assets after the satisfaction of the creditors,  may be donated to third parties for the purpose be used for executing activities that are identical or similar to the objectives of CASTRA.