Events & INFO of interest to Space professionals
18-22 September
73nd International Astronautical Congress (IAC) will be held on
Date: 18 – 22 September 2022
Place: Paris, France
For more information and registration, please go to:
IAC is the one place and time of the year where all global space players come together. The most recent editions of the event have attracted more than 6,500 participants from more than 80 countries. The 2022 IAF motto is “Space for @ll”: reaching beyond the space community to bring together all communities along with the burgeoning global ecosystem of start-ups, entrepreneurs, laboratories, research scientists and manufacturers likely to get involved in space activities or benefit from them. We will offer great opportunities for networking and forging contacts and potential partnerships.
In addition, we will offer you a unique congress venue: the Paris Convention Centre. It is not only the largest convention center in Europe but also located in central Paris and easy to reach by metro, tram and bus. Thanks to its compact architecture, the exhibition will be the heart of the congress, reaching all delegates.
19 July 4PM EEST
Time: 10:00 pm to 0:00 am Japan Time (GMT +09:00). // 4:00 – 6:00 PM Bulgarian|EEST
Please check your time. (
The registration site is here:
For more information about UNISEC-Global, please visit their website:
You can find past meetings at
27-29 June
Please be invited to participate in the 2022 IEEE International Workshop Metrology for Aerospace with a special invitation to the session University satellites and aerospace research and development held by Vladimir Saetchnikov, Head of the Institute of Physics and Aerospace Technologies at Belarusian State University. He has published more than 100 papers in the areas of nanosatellites, laser physics, airborne devices, optoelectronics, and nanophotonics.
Dates: 27-29 June 2022
Place: Pisa, Italy
Deadline of Call for Papers [extended abstract submission]: 19 February 2022
For more information and registration at:
20 June – 02 July
On behalf of Samara National Research University (Samara University), we are glad to inform you that the 17th Future Space Technologies and Experiments in Space international summer space school will take
Place in Samara
Dates: from June 20, 2022 to July 2, 2022.
The event will be organized by Samara University and supported by the Space University Administrative Committee of the International Astronautical Federation, the Volga Branch of the Russian Academy of Cosmonautics, United Nations Office for Outer Space Affairs, and UNISEC Samara.
For further information please follow the link
We cordially invite your students and young professionals to join us and to participate in the School. The registration is now open.
18 June 4PM EEST
Time: 10:00 pm to 0:00 am Japan Time (GMT +09:00). // 4:00 PM Bulgarian|EEST
Please check your time. (
For Registration please visit:
For more information about UNISEC-Global, please visit their website:
You can find past meetings at
01 June – 04 June
Фирма „Синерджи симюлейшън енд трейнинг“ ЕООД ще участва в Международното изложение за отбранителни продукти и услуги „ХЕМУС 2022”, което ще се проведе в гр. Пловдив в периода 01 – 04 юни 2022 г. Посетите техния щанд G-3 в Палата 7, където с партньорите им от BOHEMIA Interactive Simulations и MASA Group ще представят най-модерните технологии за стратегически и тактически симулации, обучения и оперативни анализи, базирани на изкуствен интелект. Също така, с техните партньорите от Kärcher Futuretech GmbH, ще ви запознаят с водещи решения за водоснабдителни системи, мобилни системи за хранене, системи за полеви лагери и системи за ЯХБЗ.
31 May – 03 June
CASTRA is happy to invite you to the 9th International Workshop on Analogue and Mixed-Signal Integrated Circuits for Space Applications. CASTRA‘s active member NOVOREL is among the sposors to this grounbreaking event. It will be held on 31 May – 3 June 2022 in Madrid, Spain.
AMICSA provides an international forum for the presentation and discussion of recent advances in analogue and mixed-signal VLSI design techniques and technologies for space applications.Radiation Effects on analogue and mixed-signal ICsMethodologies for Radiation Hardening on analogue circuits at cell-, circuit-, and system design levelRadiation-hardened technologies for analogue ICsRadiation tests of analogue and mixed-signal ICsQualifying and quantifying radiation-hardness of analogue circuitsSpace Applications for analogue and mixed-Signal ICsAnalogue intellectual property and re-usability of analogue circuits in spaceNeeds and Requirements for analogue and mixed-signal ICs in future space missionsIn-orbit Experiences and flight heritage of analogue and mixed-signal ICs
21 May 2022 04 PM EEST
We are happy to inform you, that our partner UNISEC-Global will hold the 21th virtual UNISEC-Global Meeting
on May 21, 2022, from 10:00 pm to 0:00 am Japan Time (GMT +09:00).
Registration link:
16-20 May
4S Symposium (Small Satellites Systems & Services) organized by ESA will be held in Vilamoura, Portugal. This year’s theme is Information Made in Space.
Date: 16 – 20 May, 2022
Place: Vilamoura, Portugal
For more information and registration, please go to:
Space assets are so far limited to acquiring data, all the added value activities are done on ground where raw data are processed to obtain the physical observable for which the system has been designed. COTS detectors and solid-state memories usable on board of small satellites data grew significantly faster than satellite downlink. A massive amount of data can now be stored onboard, but can’t be transmitted to the ground, even with the newly developed optical link. State-of-the-art artificial intelligence and image processing can, already today, extract in a few seconds ready-to-use information from the raw data. Once this functionality is available on board, the existing satellite interlink will be sufficient to send within minutes and anywhere on Earth the made in space information.
To start the era of Information Made in Space is necessary to break old schemes, nothing new to the small satellite business. Moving these capabilities onboard requires a mentality shift, more than just a technological breakthrough, and it may happen sooner than we can imagine.
19 May 2022 07 PM EEST
We are happy to announce the upcomming Ratio Connect: Space event. It will be hosted at the Venue, Incubator Building, Sofia Tech Park, on 19th of May, from 19:00 o’clock. The function is organized by Ratio, in partnership with CASTRA and Bulgarian Ministry of Innovation and Growth.
CASTRA’s CEO Vesselin Vassilev will be part of the key speakers at the event. He will exchange ideas with other professionals, such as Rada Popova (space legalization expert at Isar Aerospace), and Zdravko Dimitrov (co-founder of SAT-1 & founder of Sfera Technologies).The discussion is on the topic of aerospace industry start-ups, clusters and institutions. During the event deputy Minister Karina Angelieva will present the Ministry’s activities and upcomming oppportunities for Bulgarian organizations to take part in the evergrowing Space sector. Please check the agenda below.
In order to attend, kinldy note that you are required to register at: The entrance is FREE of charge.
Facebook event page:
18-19 May
The Geospatial Event is an annual event, held in London in the year 2022. You can see more information directly from the event organizers below:
“As we unlock the potential of geospatial information, it’s more important than ever to connect and collaborate to drive the profession forward.
At GEO Business, you’ll find 120 global brands and cutting-edge start-ups showcasing the newest tech, tools and solutions for geospatial. Plus, a CPD accredited education programme with 200 sessions offers everything you need to get up to date with the latest developments.
Join us for free at ExCeL London on 18-19 May 2022.”
To register, please go to:
17-18 May
FUTURE SUMMITS 2022 is inviting you to the 2-day event, hosting 3 conferences: ITF Belgium, FWDDive, BIZFFWD.
All the necessary information can be found here:
Place: Antwerp, Belgium
Tuesday 17 May | All Day – ITF Belgium is organized for over 10 years now. ITF Belgium features inspiring talks by industry and imec experts exploring the nano & digital technologies behind game-changing innovations.
Wednesday 18 May | am – During FWD Dive visionary speakers share their views on the impact of technology on society.
Wednesday 18 May | pm – On BIZFFWD you can discover how technology as an enabler can contribute to real impact for businesses in logistics, food & agriculture, energy, and health.
Registration will be open shortly, please do not forget to register for any updates at:
03-05 May
Space Resources Week is an annual event organized by European Space Resources Innovation Centre (ESRIC), in collaboration with the European Space Agency (ESA) and the Luxembourg Space Agency (LSA). This year event will be held in Luxemburg as a hybrid conference. The Space Resources Week 2022, organized in Luxembourg, is a 3-day conference connecting thought leaders from the terrestrial resources sector, aerospace industry, financial institutions, research institutes and academia.
For registration, please visit:
The program of the event will include a series of captivating talks and facilitated discussion sessions on the technologies, business models and next steps that will enable space resources utilization in support of sustained and sustainable human presence on the Moon and beyond.
16 April 2022 04 PM to 06 PM EEST
We would like to inform you, that our partner UNISEC-Global will hold the 20th virtual UNISEC-Global Meeting on April 16, 2022, from 10:00 pm to 0:00 am Japan Time (GMT +09:00). Please check your time. (
Registration is here:
The timetable can be found at
This time, we focus on space capacity building for a sustainable world. As you know, it is not easy to sustain UNISEC activities. Providing training is easy, and launching the first satellite is not too difficult, but it is very difficult to sustain activities and step up to the next stage at the university level, especially in non-spacefaring countries. How can we solve it?
Let’s share our wisdom and uncover a better solution.
Confirmed speaker:
Shinichi Nakasuka, the University of Tokyo
Masahiko Yamazaki, Nihon University
CLTP alumni
– Sibel Turkoglu (CLTP8). Turkey
– Omar Ben Bahri (CLTP6), Tunisia (currently Taif University, Saudi Arabia)
– Willy Cabanas (CLTP1), Guatemala
Host: UNISEC-Global Secretariat
Moderator: George Maeda, Kyushu Institute of Technology
For more information about UNISEC-Global, please visit their website:
You can find past meetings at
04-06 April
Due to the generous sponsorship from the International Academy of Astronautics (IAA), Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University (ERAU) invites you to attend the third International Academy of Astronautics (IAA) Conference on Space Situational Awareness (ICSSA).
Hosted at GMV, Madrid, Spain,
Dates: April 04-06, 2022.
For more information and registration, please follow the link:
The foremost purpose of Space Situational Awareness (SSA) is to provide decision-making processes with a quantifiable and timely body of evidence (predictive/imminent/forensic) of behavior(s) attributable to specific space domain threats and hazards. The conference will cover broad-ranging technical and policy-related aspects associated with the topic of SSA. Over the past two decades, SSA has evolved into a high-impact, multidisciplinary field of research. The magnitude and complexity of its constituent lines of inquiry are growing at a rapid pace, driven by the increasing number of objects of interest, including resident space objects: RSOs (a collective term for active spacecraft and space debris) as well as near-Earth objects: NEOs (comets and asteroids in Earth’s vicinity).
More information for the venue, you can find at the GVM website:
31 March 2022 10AM to 06 PM EET
We would like to invite you to the Workshop on EU-funded R&I for Space Science, which will take place online on 31 March 2022, from 9:00 to 17:00 CET.
The workshop will be held online through Webex. Should you want to attend the event, please register at the following link:
Date: March 31, 2022
Time: 09:00 am to 17:00 pm Central European Time. // 10:00 AM to 06 PM Bulgarian|EET
09:15-12:00 State of Play
12:00-13:00 Lunch Break
13:00-13:45 Session 1: Exploitation of mission & science data and space weather
13:45-14:30 Session 2: Cutting-edge scientific instrumentation in support of space missions
14:30-15:15 Session 3: Development of advanced planetary robotic exploration techniques
15:30-17:00 The way forward: Future science and human and robotic exploration missions
17:00-17:15 Workshop wrap-up and conclusions
19 March 2022 3PM EET
Date: March 19, 2022
Time: 10:00 pm to 0:00 am Japan Time (GMT +09:00). // 3:00 PM Bulgarian|EET
Please check your time. (
Three interesting presentations will be made.
1) Introduction to ICIMOD’s Projects and Satellite Data use for Climate Change, Rajesh Bahadur Thapa/ Birendra Bajracharya, ICIMOD
2)Enabling Technology for Tracking and Conserving Nepal’s Birds, Yubin Shrestha, Bird Conservation Nepal
3) Potential Satellite Data use for Financial Institutions in Nepal: Sanima Bank’s Case, Sagun Prajapati, Sanima Bank
Let’s think about the potential uses of space technology together!!
For Registration please visit:
For more information about UNISEC-Global, please visit their website:
You can find past meetings at
08-11 March
Joint 3rd IAA Latin American Symposium on Small Satellites and 5th IAA Latin American CubeSat Workshop. Space technology is an important part of the sustained development strategy for the nations. It has an undeniable impact on our societies and helps improve the quality of life of the people around the world thanks to it enabling telecommunications, improving the planning and public services provision, providing enhanced emergencies management, and allowing environmental protection, among many others. The IAA Latin American CubeSat Workshop and the IAA Latin American Symposium on Small Satellites bring a unique opportunity to discuss and talk about CubeSats and SmallSats technologies, which have a remarkable momentum in the space industry worldwide. Let’s share experiences and knowledge on space matters among professionals, researchers, students, and companies from the Region and around the world!
Dates: from 08 of March 2022 till 11 of March 2022
Place: Quito, Ecuador
For registration and information regarding speakers and topics, please click here or here.
Some of the Common Technical Topics for both Events (for Small Satellites and for CubeSats in each case)
Space debris: risks for space operations and opportunities for solving the problem.
Space environment.
Communications and Ground segment.
Propulsion and micro-propulsion subsystems.
Remote sensing and earth observation payloads.
Applications on-earth (software and hardware) to take advantage of data and information coming from orbit.
Space services: mission design, launching, testing, and certifications.
02-03 March
The Space Security, Safety, and Sustainability (SSSS) Program at The University of Texas at Austin’s (UT) Strauss Center and the Cockrell School of Engineering, in partnership with the International Academy of Astronautics (IAA), will hold the 8th annual Space Traffic Management conference on the topic of “Anthropogenic Environmental Impact and Assessment of Space Traffic on Space Operations and Implications for Climate Change Monitoring.”
The conference will take place on Wednesday, March 02, 2022, and Thursday, March 03, 2022,
hosted at The University of Texas at Austin, USA (and also virtually via Zoom webinar).
Experts from all over the world will gather to discuss and exchange on Space Traffic Management. Technical sessions will be devoted to several topics like Range Management, Airspace/Orbital Space Integration, Space Safety and Sustainability, Security, Space Environment Effects and Impacts and Related Issues.
For more information, please follow the link:
01-02 March
The Security Research Event will take place in Paris on the 1st and 2nd of March 2022.
The 2022 edition of the Security Research Event will explore how security research contributes to the overall resilience of our society against disasters and crises. After more than a two-year break due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the SRE 2022 will gather around 800 participants representing a wide range of security stakeholders as well as a wide number of policy-makers from across Europe. The event will mark the first year after the launch of Horizon Europe, the new framework programme for research and innovation for which the first projects will be starting in the months following the SRE 2022.
Information in regards to the agenda you can find here:
Information in regards to the exhibitors you can find here:
For registration, please follow this link:
26 February – 04 March
We would like to invite you to the joint symposium of 33rd ISTS (International Symposium on Space Technology and Science), 10th Nano-satellite Symposium and 14th IAA Low-Cost Planetary Missions Conference (LCPM). Due to the Corona-19 virus, the symposium will be held as a hybrid event.
Date: 26 February – 04 March, 2022
Place: Beppu in Oita, Japan
For registration, please go to:
ISTS, which originally started with an educational purpose to give an opportunity to students who cannot easily go abroad, has probably grown into the second-largest international Symposium in the field of space with around 1,000 presentations. In addition to the collaboration with the Nano-Satellite Symposium, which will be organized as one “small satellite” session, the event will be to joint with the IAA’s Low-Cost Planetary Missions Conference. The Nano Satellite-Symposium has been a part of the “ Hodoyoshi Project”*, which is granted by the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS) in the “Funding Program for World-Leading Innovative R&D on Science and Technology (FIRST Program),” initiated by the Council for Science and Technology Policy (CSTP) of Cabinet Office, Government of Japan. (JSPS Official site: JSPS). The IAA’s Low-Cost Planetary Missions Conference is a forum for planetary scientists, technologists, engineers, project managers, and agency officials to gather for the exchange of information and ideas for making this class of robotic missions richer scientifically while remaining affordably low-cost.
For more information about the event, please visit the website:
22 February 10AM EET
ESA’s 2nd OPS Industry Day. The world is ever rapidly changing and the resilience and adaptation to Covid-19 demonstrate it, in particular in space operations. Traditional ways of working are being replaced by fundamentally new approaches, providing both, new opportunities and challenges for existing and new actors in space. ESOC is proud to invite all stakeholders in-ground segments and operations to a workshop on future ground segments and operations needs. The objective is to sustain the exchange on industrial needs, trends, and innovation in space operations.
On 22 February 2022, the remote workshop will offer a keynote, plenary impulse, and interactive panels on the main areas of interest put forward by the attendees. In parallel, a “B2B” will provide the opportunity for networking in a virtual environment.
For registration, please visit:
Below you can find the agenda in CET time:
19 February 3PM EET
We would like to inform you, that our partner UNISEC-Global is hosting the 18th Virtual UNISEC-Global Meeting – Hosted by UNISEC-Turkey as part of the new Local Chapter Empowerment Program where they will explore the theme of: “Space Industry Expectations from Academia (UNISEC)”. During the meeting, they will also hold a breakout session for small group discussions.
Date: February 19, 2022
Time: 10:00 pm to 0:00 am Japan Time (GMT +09:00). // 3:00 PM Bulgarian|EET
Please check your time. (
Confirmed speakers:
- Alim Rustem Aslan, Istanbul Technical University
- Bülent Altan, CEO of Mynaric
For Registration please visit:
For more information about UNISEC-Global, please visit their website:
You can find past meetings at
10 February 4PM EET
Физически факултет на Софийския университет ви канят на откриването на нова учебна лаборатория по автоматизация на проектирането в електрониката с активната подкрепа на два от гигантите в света в полупроводниковата индустрия и микроелектрониката – Global Foundries, производител на полупроводникови интегрални схеми, и Cadence Design Systems, производител на широк набор от софтуерни инструменти за проектиране на
електронни системи.
Място: Физически факултет на Софийския университет
Дата: 10 февруари, четвъртък, 2022 г.
Начало: 16:00 часа
Онлайн лекция на тема: “Cadence and Future of Megatrends in EDA” Докладчик: Anton Klotz (Cadence Design Systems)
Начало: 17:00 часа
Zoom Meeting:
Meeting ID: 835 0232 5908
Passcode: 294756
10 February 11AM EET
Bulgarian Industry Day webinar, organized by EUMETSAT in relation to the strategic programs and upcoming business opportunities for Bulgarian entities.
You can find additional information regarding EUMETSAT at their website:
EUMETSAT is the European Organisation for the Exploitation of Meteorological Satellites. The member states include Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovak Republic, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Turkey, United Kingdom. Their activities include: operating and developing satellites, monitoring and distributing data about the climate, atmosphere, weather, and oceans. The service provided by EUMETSAT helps to enhance and safeguard the daily lives of European citizens. This information is also critical to the safety of air travel, shipping and road traffic, and to the daily business of farming, construction and many other industries.
10:00 Opening and welcoming remarks Lora Yosifova, Head of
International Department, NIMH
10:15 EUMETSAT Strategy and overview of Paul Counet, Head of
EUMETSAT Programmes Strategy Communication &,
International Relations
11:15 Coffee Break
11:45 EUMETSAT Procurement Procedures, Eleni Katsampani, Head of
tender conditions and upcoming business Contracts Division
12:30 Open Questions and Answers session All participants
13:00 Closing remarks Lora Yosifova, Head of
International Department, NIMH
List of participants:
Mr. Paul Counet, Head of Strategy Communication & International Relations
Ms. Eleni Katsampani, Head of Contracts Division
For additional information and registration for the webinar, please contact Ms. Lora Yosifova at +359 2 462 4682.
04-05 February
ISU Adelaide Conference returns in February 2022 with the most important space issue of our time: Space Junk. In a truly multidisciplinary fashion that shapes all courses at the International Space University, the speakers, panelists, and session facilitators will look at this critical topic from many angles: Law & Treaties, Policy & Governance, Economics & Business, Technology & Engineering, Humanities & Arts with a special focus on Indigenous perspectives and overcrowding of the skies. Join this gathering online. In addition to speakers, there will be networking and facilitated break-out rooms spread over nine hours of content.
Date: February 04, 2022 Time: 06:30 AM Bulgarian|EET;
Date: February 05, 2022 Time: 09:30 AM Bulgarian|EET;
You can find additional information for confirmed speakers and registration at:
3 February 11:30AM EET
UNOOSA (United Nations Office for Outer Space Activities) is giving you the opportunity to apply for the Fellowship Programme on the Large Diameter Centrifuge Hypergravity Experiment Series (HyperGES). You will be able to conduct your experiment at the Large Diameter Centrifuge Facility at ESTEC through the Access to Space for All-HyperGES programme by the United Nations Office for Outer Space Affairs and the European Space Agency!
Applications for the 2nd round are open until 28 February 2022. See the conditions for the 2nd Round of experiments here
To help you with your application, join their webinar and get your questions answered.
When: Thursday 3 February 2022 10:30-11:30CET (9:30-10:30 UTC) and 16:30-17:30CET (15:30-16:30 UTC) -Please calculate your time zone accordingly
Register here:
- Introduction to the Access to Space for All Initiative/HyperGES program (UNOOSA/10 min)
- Introduction to ESA/ESTEC/LDC facility (ESA/10 min)
- Questions on application
HyperGES in partnership with the European Space Agency (ESA) provides opportunities for scientists and researchers with a team of students from the Member States of the United Nations with particular attention to developing countries to conduct their own hypergravity experiment series at the LDC facility located at ESTEC in Noordwijk, the Netherlands.
27 January 11AM EET
An interactive webinar with ESA’s Industrial Ombudsman, Georges Bernède, and the Alternate to the Ombudsman, Prof. Dr. Lesley Jane Smith, will take place
on 27 January 2022 at 10:00 AM to 11:30 AM CET
//11:00 AM – 12:30 PM Bulgarian|EET
For registration, please visit:
During the webinar, which is targeted at Small and Medium-sized Enterprises, the Ombudsman (IOE) and his alternate will inform the community about the IOE’s role and competencies and will share some lessons learned from past cases with SMEs. Attendees will learn in which cases the Ombudsman can intervene, how to call for support, and also when the IOE cannot provide advice.
The agenda of the session covers the following topics:
- Roles and main competencies (points of contact, how to call for support)
- Ombudsman Regulatory Framework
- What the Ombudsman can do for you (practical examples of intervention or advice)
- What the Ombudsman cannot do for you (under which circumstances the IOE cannot advise or intervene)
- Statistics on cases
- Some advice based on prominent topics
26 January 09PM EET
“Reaching Mars this Decade”, a webinar presented by Dr. Robert Zubrin, the founder and president of Mars Society, will be held on 26 January 2022.
Time: 08:00 PM CET // 09:00 PM Bulgarian|EET
Dr. Robert Zubrin is an American aerospace engineer and writer, best known for his support of Mars colonization and exploration projects. He is also the originator of the Mars Direct project and founder of the Mars Society Organization, which was formed in the United States in August 1998. He is also the author and owner of a patent for a checkerboard for three people.
The host of the webinar will be Mr. Łukasz WIlczyński, CEO of Planet Partners.
For Registration please visit:
25 January – 26 April
We are thrilled to inform you of the opening of SecurIT’s first Open Call:
from January 25th to April 26th:
The Open Call is addressed to consortia of min. 2 European SMEs or from a country associated with the H2020 program. They must present a proposal for an innovative technological solution addressing one of the identified challenges around Critical infrastructure protection, Disaster Resilience and Public spaces protection. Two funding vouchers are available: prototyping development (funding up to 74K€) and demonstrator (funding up to 88K€) in order to enter a 12 months follow-up program.
Several information webinars (8th February 2022 & 6th of April) and matchmaking sessions (17th February & 17th March) will be held throughout the call (details here) to better support SMEs wishing to apply.
Applications can be submitted on the dedicated platform:
Keep posted on the latest news on LinkedIn:
24 January
As part of the 4S strategic action, the present Announcement of Opportunity (AO) aims to boost the ESA Member States industry’s innovation, competitiveness, and ability to timely deliver the most advanced technologies, products, systems and end-to-end solutions in response to 4S-related demands and opportunities on the market, and in particular from dedicated actions from public and private organizations in the ARTES Member States perimeter and at EU level.
The present AO covers 4S related Satcom technologies, products, subsystems, systems and end-to-end infrastructure solutions on which Next Generation secure Satcom systems will rely.
For more information visit:
22 January 2022 3PM EET
Date: January 22, 2022
Time: 10:00 pm to 0:00 am Japan Time (GMT +09:00). // 3:00 PM Bulgarian|EET
Please check your time. (
Confirmed speakers:
- Shinichi Nakasuka, University of Tokyo
- Mohammed Khali Ibrahim, Egyptian Space Agency
- Maricor Soriano, National Institute of Physics, University of the Philippines – Diliman
For Registration please visit:
For more information about UNISEC-Global, please visit their website:
You can find past meetings at
18 December 3PM EET
Date: December 18, 2021
Time: 10:00 pm to 0:00 am Japan Time (GMT +09:00). // 3:00 PM Bulgarian|EET
Please check your time. (
Confirmed speakers:
- Alim Rustem Aslan (Istanbul Technical University)
- Wataru Torii (ISAS/JAXA)
- Carlos Rodriguez (Costa Rica Institute of Technology)
For Registration please visit:
For more information about UNISEC-Global, please visit their website:
You can find past meetings at
16 December 10AM EET
EU-Japan Centre for Industrial Cooperation & EURAXESS Japan would like to invite you to join the Webinar of the EU-Japan Innovation Day, about the Challenges and Opportunities in the Space Sector. The 2021 EU-Japan Innovation Day event will be the first of its kind with an EU-Japan dimension, aiming at presenting notable projects and initiatives from both sides in the field of space and covering some major intellectual property aspects, as well.
Time: 17:00 to 19:30 Tokyo time (from 9:00 to 11:30 Brussels time). // 10:00 AM Bulgarian|EET
Please check your time. (
20 November 3PM EET
We would like to inform you, that our partner UNISEC-Global is hosting the 15th Virtual UNISEC-Global Meeting where they will explore the topic of the 7th Mission Idea Contest (MIC7): Deep Space Science and Exploration with Nano/micro satellites. They will again host a breakout session for small group discussions
Time: 10:00 pm to 0:00 am Japan Time (GMT +09:00). // 3:00 PM Bulgarian|EET
Please check your time. (
Confirmed speakers:
- Prof Herman Steyn, Stellenbosch University
- Prof Ryu Funase, the University of Tokyo/JAXA
- Winner(s) of the MIC7.
For Registration please visit:
For those unfamiliar with the 7th Mission Idea Contest, I have included the scope of the contest at the end of this email. The final presentation for MIC7 will be held in Tokyo on November 13 (9:00 am – 5:00 pm (JST)) and will be broadcast here. The MIC7 program can be found here.
MIC7 Scope
Since the publication of Tsiolkovsky’s rocket equation in 1903, and the genesis of modern rocketry ushered by Goddard’s experiments with liquid-propellant rockets; humanity has achieved remarkable feats of space research and exploration that were once only dreams.
Advancements in technology, coalesced with our curiosity of the unknown and our tenacious spirit in overcoming challenges; space capability, missions, and applications have progressively become more sophisticated, extending our capabilities in the field of deep-space exploration. Considerations such as the implementation of the Gateway project and unprecedented levels of advancement in technical proficiency, will contribute to the frequency and ease at which deep-space missions can be undertaken.
To achieve mission objectives, deep space missions require the development of mission specific components from the base up. Often with long-term mission objectives in mind, deep space missions encourage us to challenge our own limitations and deepen our understanding; facilitating continuous learning and inspiring our imaginations to create real-world space applications. The 7th Mission Idea Contest on Deep Space Science and Exploration with Micro/nanosatellites seeks to build the technical knowledge and skills, including mission design and scientific writing skills, required to deliver opportunities for the development of practical deep-space missions that is not dominated by developed nations through the identification of the required technology and innovation to achieve deep-space exploration projects with micro/nanosatellites.
For more information about UNISEC-Global, please visit their website:
You can find past meetings at
16 October 4PM EEST
The guest speaker this meeting is Prof Masatoshi Ohishi, National Astronomical Observatory of Japan, who will talk about “The Beautiful Skies for All”. Please join to learn this matter from an expert and discuss possible solutions.
Time: 10:00 pm to 0:00 am Japan Time (GMT +09:00). // 4:00 PM Bulgarian|EEST
Please check your time. (
Breakout room activity
As part of each meeting, we take a break from presentations by splitting those in attendance into smaller groups to complete an activity. This time around, we want to hear your ideas about the dark night sky problem! The activity is as follows:
Each group shall choose and complete ONE of these questions (you can cover all the topics if you have time):
- Who is responsible for preserving the dark skies AND what can each group/segment do about it? (governments, universities, students, individuals, companies (not just space companies), and international bodies (UNCOPOUS)).
- Should countries/regions limit the number of new launches?
If YES – How can they do this successfully? (what criteria should be set, who will govern/enforce it, what else can be done to reduce the current problem). Should the same rules apply to newly emerging space countries?
If NO – Why not and what else can be done instead?
- What kind of technologies could be used to improve the current situation and preserve the dark sky for all of us? (Either existing or new innovations).
Should you wish to familiarize yourself with the lost dark sky issue, please take a look at the following document
(particularly the Executive Summary on page 14:
OR watch this video: .
For more information about UNISEC-Global, please visit their website:
You can find past meetings at
18 September 4PM EEST
The guest speakers this meeting are Toshinori Kuwahara, Chairperson, UNISEC-Japan (Tohoku University); Michael Davis, Chair, The Andy Thomas Foundation; and Kamel Besbes, Director General of Centre for Research on Microelectronics and Nanotechnology, Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research – TUNISIA. They will again host a breakout session for small group discussions investigating a case study in space education policy.
Time: 10:00 pm to 0:00 am Japan Time (GMT +09:00). // 4:00 PM Bulgarian|EEST
Please check your time. (
For Registration please visit:
For more information about UNISEC-Global, please visit their website:
You can find past meetings at
21 August 4PM EEST
The guest speakers this meeting are Herman Steyn – Stellenbosch University; Yeshurun Alemayehu Adde (Kibret) – Ethiopian Space Science & Technology Institute; Margarita Mondragon – UNISEC-Peru (TBC). They will again host a breakout session for small group discussions investigating a case study in space education policy.
Time: 10:00 pm to 0:00 am Japan Time (GMT +09:00). // 4:00 PM Bulgarian|EEST
Please check your time. (
For Registration please visit:
For more information about UNISEC-Global, please visit their website:
You can find past meetings at
17 July 4PM EEST
We would like to inform you, that our partner UNISEC-Global is hosting the 11th Virtual UNISEC-Global Meeting. The guest speakers this meeting are Herman Steyn – Stellenbosch University; Yeshurun Alemayehu Adde (Kibret) – Ethiopian Space Science & Technology Institute; Margarita Mondragon – UNISEC-Peru (TBC). They will again host a breakout session for small group discussions investigating a case study in space education policy.
Date: July 17, 2021
Time: 10:00 pm to 0:00 am Japan Time (GMT +09:00). // 4:00 PM Bulgarian|EEST
Please check your time. (
For Registration please visit:
For more information about UNISEC-Global, please visit their website:
You can find past meetings at
19 June 4PM EEST
Compendium /*a new proposed service by UNISEC-Global. It is important to openly discuss the merits and bounds of this idea and */they need your input/*!
Time: 10:00 pm to 0:00 am Japan Time (GMT +09:00). // 4:00 PM Bulgarian|EEST
Please check your time. (
For Registration please visit:
For more information about UNISEC-Global, please visit their website:
You can find past meetings at